Women’s golf in full swing

Waterlooville Golf Club (WGC) is one of several Clubs in the south of England embracing a new way of introducing women into golf – and it’s all about fun! Who knew?! Forget the perceptions of yesteryear, this is an innovative approach called love.golf. When PGA Fellow Professional Alastair Spink originally thought of the love.golf concept he had one goal in …

Girls Only Coaching

6 Weeks Coaching with PGA Professional David Hickman (Plus opportunity to attend 5 monthly sessions at County Academy Centre) Only £20 per person Sundays 12.30pm to 1.30pm  – 26th March – – 2nd April – – 9th April – – 23rd April – – 30th April – – 14th May – All equipment is supplied and casual dress is acceptable …

Message from the Ladies Captain

The Ladies’ Section has had a quiet time over the winter. The weather hasn’t deterred the ladies from playing and, although we have not had any major competitions, we have been kept busy with fun competitions. Once the Winter League started (organised by Babs Ward, our Vice Captain), it gave the ladies the chance to go out for 9 holes …

Message from the Seniors Captain

So, another golfing year is coming to a close. But what a year it has been. I can honestly say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as Seniors’ Captain. Yes, it can be hard work and can make demands on your time. But the pleasure associated with playing in all the matches and the new friendships generated with other …

Message from the Course Manager

Hi everyone Since my last report we held the biggest tournament of the clubs history, the English Women’s County Finals. It was a long few weeks of build-up and then the week itself but it was a fantastic experience which I thought as a club we did a great job in every area. Straight after the Ladies Tournament we went …

Message from the Manager

Well, what a difference 12 months make. This time last year the course was closed for a lot of January and February, as were most other clubs. Now we find ourselves with an almost complete opposite and it is fantastic to see so many members out playing golf at this time of year. Since the last newsletter, the English Women’s …

Message from the Captain

I want to take this opportunity to wish all WGC members, new & old, a good 2017 and a year of great golf. It is 6 weeks to the end of my year as Captain and people have been asking me: How long have you got left? When do you finish? (I’m not sure if this because they have had …

March Course Report 2017

Since my last report we have spiked the greens again at the closest pattern possible to allow oxygen into the soil. After this we sprayed a soil penetrant and seaweed to help pull the water through the surface and aid recovery from some of the frost damage that we sustained on some of our greens. Over the last few weeks …

January 2017 Course Report

Since my last report I am very happy to say that all the leaves have fallen and the majority have been picked up and cleared away. We have currently started raising the canopy around the course, this will take quite a bit of time but we aim to get round as much of the course as possible this winter. The …

November Course Report

LEAVES!!!! Since my last report a lot of the leaves have fallen and it has become pretty much a full time job. We have had the collector and tractor blower out as much as possible and have cleared a considerable amount already. Hand blowing areas is a daily task to try and clear the playing surfaces as best we can. …